Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Death is the leading cause of Life

What is it to be alive? Is it simply performing basic biological functions needed for an organism to survive? Is it the need for love and a desire to create? 

Lots of people say it is

But what causes that? What makes us want to be loved and to find love? What makes us want to create and leave our mark on the world?

It's simple


Death is why we create. Death is why we take risks. Or more correctly Fear of Death. The fear of dying and the knowledge that one day, no matter what, it will come for us all; is what makes a person alive because without that fear and that knowledge we become idle. And when we are idle we are no different than the rocks and dirt beneath our feet. 

That is why Death is the leading cause of Life. 


  1. This is so awesome, I've never thought about it this way before.

  2. You nailed it.

    Death can inspire us.

    I'm thinking of a 21 pilots song/poem.

    "Death inspires me the way a dog inspires a rabbit."
