Sunday, October 4, 2015

What is love? don't hurt me... don't hurt me... no moooooore............

Love is Complicated. Especially for a high school student who has been told repeatedly that they don't know what love is because they have never felt it. After all how could they? I mean we are just a bunch of stupid kids aren't we? Sure we probably don't actually know what it is but if you ask anyone to define it, even adults, they'll be unsure of how to define it because it can be so different for so many people.

Maybe trying to define Love is a waste of time....

Or maybe we are over thinking it. Maybe it's just so simple that we have all over looked it. Maybe Love is just... love. There really is nothing else that compares to real love. So why do love an injustice by describing it in inadequate and mediocre terms. Love is some thing you feel, so trying to qualify and quantify it is a waste of time, because when it comes down to it Love doesn't make a lot of sense and there aren't words to describe the feeling accurately.

I've been in love before, and to anyone else it didn't make sense. I couldn't tell you what it was like because it is something everyone needs to experience. But that is just one kind of Love.

Love has many faces and forms and is not the same between all people at all times.

So just feel it instead of trying to define it because it is just a waste of time to try and define it.


  1. "Love is Complicated. Especially for a high school student..."
    "Maybe trying to define Love is a waste of time...."

    love is whatever you want it to be. stop trying to define love
